Finally I've gotten around to actually starting my own blog.
I've noticed that during the last few years it has been increasingly difficult to get the time to share my 'brilliant' thoughts regarding life, the universe, and everything though my normal means of distribution. These have until now primarily been discussions at work regarding the finer details of software development and implementations of this in sophisticated code structures. Another nice avenue of exchanging creative ideas have been late night gatherings over large quantities of beer.
One reason for the lack of time for sharing ideas and options, is of course the addition of childcare and house repairs to the ever expanding to-do list.
But I think another force at work here is the tendency for older people to lose contact with the real world, and instead focus on the ideals of 'how things ought to work'. The amount of ideas regarding the hidden means of the universe pile up and an increasing urge to 'share' these gold nuggets with other (younger) people sets in. I fear that the mounting itch I feel to find a better means of distributing my thoughts, is connected with this 'getting older and wiser' syndrome.
The best way I can think of to scratch this itch, is by starting to maintain a blog like this.
I have previously tried to use Open Source projects, like Dataentity and JAccept for this, but I find it far to much work, actually having to construct something concrete from my abstract concepts. All attempts to persuade other people to do the real work of coding the concepts I visualize, have so far been unsuccessful. With this blog, no constraints exist regarding having to show any proof of whether my ideas really works :-)
The next couple of weeks I will use this blog quite a lot. I have had quite a lot years to aggregate ideas and opinions of how to do thing, and these are just bursting to leap into this very blog. Later the stream of posts will dry out a bit, as I have to think new stuff up.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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